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Code P0195 Symptoms, Causes and Solutions.

The P0195 trouble code indicates a malfunction within the engine oil temperature sensor. This code typically points to issues related to the sensor responsible for monitoring the temperature of the engine oil, potentially causing operational problems or inaccurate temperature readings.

Engine Oil Temperature Sensor Malfunction

Code symptoms P0195.

1. Engine overheating.
2. Decreased fuel efficiency.
3. Illumination of the Check Engine Light.

This code is common in brands such as:: Chevrolet, Renault, Ford, Toyota, Nissan, Mercedes Benz, Honda.

Causes of the code P0195.

1. Faulty engine oil temperature sensor.
2. Wiring or connector issues within the sensor circuit.
3. Potential problems with the Engine Control Module (ECM).

Code Solutions P0195.

1. Replace the engine oil temperature sensor if it is faulty.
2. Check and repair any wiring or connector issues in the sensor circuit.
3. If ECM issues are suspected, consult a qualified technician for diagnosis and potential reprogramming or replacement.

Video of the Code P0195.

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